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Our Process

Our Process

Focus EduVation practices open, two-way communication for the ultimate success of our clients. We set milestones, map content design, and generate visual landscapes. With Focus EduVation, you can trust that your e-Learning systems will be delivered on point, on time, and on budget .


We start each project by analyzing client expectations and discussing scope and execution. A dedicated point of contact manages expectations, sets milestones, and oversees project deliverables.


In the design stage, we create a robust outline, emphasizing strong design for optimal content layout. Clients review mockups to simulate the overall user experience.


After finalizing the design, our development team creates and sends storyboards, guided by our Instructional Designers, for client review.


Prior to delivery, our QA team conducts internal audits to ensure content meets quality standards, covering technical, editorial, and bias reviews, ensuring alignment with prescribed standards and adherence to the style guide.


The project point of contact ensures timely delivery of deliverables to the client. Any schedule changes are promptly communicated and mutually agreed upon. Additionally, we handle the integration of content into the client's learning management systems.

We assign a Single Point-of-Contact (SPOC) person for all communications with the client.

SPOC can communicate via email/ telephone and liaise with resources for prompt resolution.

Use project management and bug-tracking systems like Basecamp to manage projects effectively.

Schedule regular video conferencing meetings using the Zoom platform.

Establish clear communication protocols, including response times, preferred communication channels, and escalation procedures to avoid misunderstandings and delays.

Use a centralized document repository, such as Basecamp, Google Drive, Dropbox to store and share project-related documents.

Regular, formalized report on project progress against the project plan. Reports are delivered weekly or monthly or as needed by the client.

Team members are assigned to projects based on their skills, expertise, and availability, ensuring optimal alignment with project goals and objectives.

A comprehensive risk mitigation plan is implemented during project execution, identifying potential threats, assessing their impact and likelihood, and proactively implementing strategies to minimize or eliminate risks, ensuring successful project completion within defined parameters and objectives.